Tuesday 14 January 2014

Back to Basic

Yesterday training was like back to basic.
Not did anything hard (just moving forward and back with changing edge on one foot, and forward 3 turns - outside and inside). Base.
Did few openings for me:

1. hands work. hands (arms) need move up and down with each turn along the body (not around or be just fix like I doing. its just not allow you doing all proper and its happened against you move - not helping). sounds simple, but really hard do for me - because I not use to it.
when I start think about hands - my legs move just without any control, and I lost it.

2. knee work. up and down. sit - get up. that's how its might be. (not just fix in one position). actually knee really helping do right. and if they works proper - you will have beautiful edge, deep and strong move with speed (often you lost your speed because not work with your knee and body not helping at all - you move became slower and slower and then you cant do anything - just stop)...

top sportsmen have health problems with knee often (especially those who lift their partners). I found with my weight grow I often feel pain in right knee (remember how few years ago really terrible fall down on ice. so pain still with me.

3. rhythm. need control body and doing steps in rhythm (not one too long, another too short - how I doing. I guess its looks funny :)

4. not hurry, control body. I found that I try do steps fast, because its easier for me - I not lost balance. but right way - do it slow (at first - when you just start learn element. then when you feel confident its faster), try control body and feel how exactly need work you body. I try do fast and its a lot dirty lines, not finished moves, rush and bad quality work.

5. circles. Yes, its all about circles! Funny enough I often try do step how I can, but forgot about right line on the ice - about go on half circle direction and imagine line what cut it in the middle circle.
when you doing it and try follow this imagination line all became easier :)

Its top of the list basic things what I need keep in my head. Of course there much more....

Did I heard about this details before? I think yes... But funny how you fast forget basic things what actually need be your gold rules every time when you on the ice.

So for me this training was really useful with ability again know and remember basic things.
(basic or old school really important I think. A lot sportsmen in old times did basic steps at competitions (we call it "school"). Without school steps impossible right way doing jumps or spins.

From history - figure skating start from trying paint on the ice with your skates different figures and sometimes this shapes looks complicated - almost impossible to do.
here example special figures by Panin Kolomenkin (Russian figure skater)

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